Hispanic Business (2Americas Corp.) Receives Course Certification from the NC Office of the Commissioner of Banks First of its kind course to cover cultural, statistical and legal aspects of serving minorities Raleigh, NC January 5th, 2005 The Office of the North Carolina Commissioner of Banks has certified the course ¨Cultural Competence for the Mortgage Industry¨. The course is the first of its kind which will cover cultural, statistical and legal aspects of serving minorities in the Banking and Mortgage Industry in particular. This Certification, as 4 hour credit course, it is a collaborative effort between the Office of Continuing Education of the North Carolina Commissioner of Banks and 2Americas Corp. ¨To get this course certified, especially for the first time, it is a learning and growth process for everyone involved¨, said Marina Crosby, President of 2Americas Corp. ¨By providing us this certification, the Office of the Commissioner of Banks is showing Banking Industry vision and leadership by adjusting to North Carolina demographic changes¨, added Ms. Crosby. Minorities are expected to hold more than 30% of mortgages by year 2015 as projected by the 2004 State of the Nation's Housing Report. All financial institutions need to have ASAP a clear plan on how to attract these new customers and a workforce that will be able to serve them to their satisfaction. ¨We only have one chance for a first impression when a new customer comes in¨ says Crosby. A satisfied customer will come back with family and friends, a disappointed one, will let everyone around him or her know about it. This course, delivered in English, will assist Bank or Mortgage Institutions to better reach minorities by allowing the course to be taken on their premises. It will also be offered every month at the offices of 2Americas in Cary and through the Community College System. The next scheduled course is on Wednesday January 26th from 8:00am to 12:00am in Regency Park, Cary. For more details on the course, contact Marina D. Crosby, president, 2Americas Corp. or visit the Continuing Education page of the Office of the Commissioner of Banks and search for course CE0095. See also course info and signup .
Courses are also available for the leadership level to aid the vision and
planning processes and for everyone serving the public (tellers, financial
advisors, etc.)
Marina D. Crosby, President |
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